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I am a Certified Chrysalis Effect Practitioner. My own mother had Fibromyalgia and my daughter at the age of 15 was told by her GP to “pull herself together”. As a result I have first hand experience of how to support and care for someone in their recovery.

The Chrysalis Effect is a proven supported recovery programme to allow you to take back control of your life.

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CE practitioners are accredited and qualified specifically to work with ME, CFS and Fibromyalgia.

As CE practitioners we work within a specialist team and cross refer, so that we can give you the very best treatment and allowing access to whatever therapy is best suited to your needs.

We have tools to illustrate what is causing all the symptoms in your body.

We have a step by step system or recovery plan that can be tailored to your needs.

We offer ‘between visit’ support.

There is 24/7 support access.

CE practitioners have a clear map to show you where you are in the recovery process.

We have tools to assess and review your progress.

We offer you the opportunity to have access to other people in recovery.

CE practitioners have a clear upfront pricing structure for your recovery programme.

We offer the opportunity to spread the cost of on-going support.

We offer contact with those who have made complete recovery.


To obtain Your free 30 day trial of the Recovery Programme Click here


"Brigitte has supported me over a number of years through feelings of panic, anxiety and depression. Her help has been invaluable in creating a space in my head to think clearly and self confidence to relax and trust in my own decisions.

She has a myriad of methods and a vast reservoir of knowledge to call upon and uses it responsibly and to great effect.
I believe she also has an innate ability to empathise, understand and heal”

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BUPA Cashplan Policy Holders, can now have approved treatments reimbursed.

ClaimYour FREE Initial Telephone Consultation

Thank you ... Brigitte will contact you as soon as possible.




I'm Brigitte Hackney, a Health Kinesiology, Chronic Fatigue, ME and Fibromyalgia and Reiki Practitioner.

I am a member of the Federation of Holistic Therapists.  An organisation that is celebrating 50 years of professional excellence (1962-2012).



I have also been a Reiki Master Practitioner since November 2000, training with Chris Parkes who runs the Reiki School and teaches the original Usui System of Reiki Healing founded by Dr Usui.

The approaches I use trace the cause of the body’s energy imbalances to it’s root, deep within our psyche.

Our natural flow of energy always tries to move towards perfect wellbeing. However, when faced with difficulties in our lives, that we find too painful to accept, we tend to hold this unresolved energy in our body. This creates imbalances in our energy, which then depletes our vitality and can lead to lack of wellbeing.

To find out more please email me

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